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Our operations are governed by a clear set of values as outlined in our Mission Statement, and we are deeply conscious of our obligations in relation to safety and the environment.

Mission Statement

To develop and maintain the highest quality harbour infrastructure and services.

Key Principles


We will put the needs of our customers and stakeholders first and dutifully respond to their specific requirements in an honest forthright and professional manner.


We are committed to retaining a highly motivated and professionally developed staff who are self-driven and enthusiastically contribute towards the Authority’s objectives.


Our business will be managed in a safe, enterprising and efficient manner, mindful of environmental responsibilities and the operational principles of a Trust Port.


Peterhead Port Authority operates mainly in a “landlord” capacity, in that stevedoring operations are carried out by third parties. This work is undertaken by independent operators, the most prominent of which is ASCO.

The Authority has a staff of 76, led by the Chief Executive. These staff are involved with managing and operating the fishmarket, ship repair facilities, maintenance, vessel traffic services and administration functions.

Balancing Interests

The Authority operates and manages the port in a manner which maximises the benefits to existing and future stakeholders while recognising that its primary responsibility is to ensure the long-term success of the port itself.

Consultation & Sharing of Information

As a public organisation, we listen and respond to what our stakeholders say. We are continually seeking to strengthen our relationships with stakeholders through direct engagement. We issue regular news releases on important developments at the port and publish a twice-yearly newsletter. Our annual report and financial statement is also distributed and we conduct specific consultations on significant matters affecting the port and/or its stakeholders.

Community Involvement

Peterhead Port Authority recognises its obligation to take an active role in supporting the local community.

For several years we have sponsored the main event in the annual Peterhead Scottish Week celebrations, which traditionally inclues a flying display by the Red Arrows.

A close working relationship is maintained with the local Sea Cadets organisation. The group is provided with complimentary berthing for three vessels at Peterhead Bay Marina in order to facilitate regular water-based training for their members.

Peterhead Port Authority also maintains a close working relationship with the Scottish Maritime Academy in Peterhead (part of NESCOL) and has for many years provided sponsorship to allow the centre to run three annual deckhands courses. This is to encourage youth into a maritime career, whether in fishing or on commercial vessels.

In addition to charitable donations, sponsorship and support advertising, more details of which can be seen in the news section, the port makes a significant contribution to the local and national economy.

In addition, the success of our business in growing trade through the port has a tangible benefit to many business and individuals in Peterhead.

Safety & The Environment

We are conscious of our obligations in relation to safety and environmental matters and demand a positive approach from all port users.

Ports are increasingly required to consider the potential impact that operations and developments can have on the environment. The role of the port to service industrial traffic and facilitate trade can put pressure on the environment and potentially lead to conflict.

The Authority has detailed plans and procedures in place relating to Emergency Response, Waste Management and Prevention of Oil Pollution that are designed to minimise the effect of port operations on the environment. These plans are exercised regularly and involve companies and organisations which are listed as participants.

The port was awarded the Eco Ports accreditation reflecting the quality of its efforts and procedures to protect the environment.

Peterhead Fishmarket holds the BRCGS Storage and Distribution certificate.

In July 2012 the port secured OHSAS18001 accreditation for the safety standards implemented and has maintained this standard since.

The Chief Executive is the Board's designated Health and Safety representative and is charged with ensuring that all such issues are properly addressed and attended

See Also

Port Areas

Port Areas

The port is comprised of 11 distinct areas – North Harbour, Port Henry Basin, Albert Quay, Merchant's Quay, North Base, Princess Royal Jetty, South Base, Tanker Jetty and Peterhead Bay Marina.


Click on the links below to read about all the latest developments.
Port Services

Port Services

Port services include port control, pilotage, towage, ship lift, slipway, drydock, weighbridge and property for lease.
Our Clients

Our Clients

Our clients operate in a remarkably broad range of sectors, from energy (oil and gas, renewables) through fisheries to commercial (agricultural and timber products) and leisure (cruise-ships, small-boat marina).
Contact Us

Contact Us

Please contact us with your questions or queries. Either fill in the following form, or use any of the other contact methods listed below.