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  • Electronic Auction - Consultation

The role of the Board and Executive team of Peterhead Port Authority is to ensure that the Port is operated for the benefit of all its stakeholders and in accordance with the Modern Trust Ports for Scotland, “Guide to Good Governance” document. As such, Peterhead Port Authority continually reviews risks, potential threats and opportunities, much like any other commercial organisation.

Following the Board’s meeting in March, it has been identified that, due to recent fish landing placement toward harbours with electronic auctions, there is a significant threat to landings at Peterhead fish market. Electronic auctions are now commonplace in many markets and are in the process of being implemented in others.

The Board also recognises potential opportunities to maximise supply and improve demand by allowing purchases without being physically present.

Peterhead Port Authority will therefore commence a detailed review of the wide-ranging and significant factors that require to be considered to permit the Board to make an informed future decision about the introduction of electronic auction at our Fish Market.

The Board is confident that there are many individual and business stakeholders that will have views and opinions on this subject and may well be seeing similar risks, threats and opportunities for their own business. PPA would therefore welcome the opportunity to engage with all stakeholders who would wish to discuss this subject in due course.

Please do get in touch should you wish to discuss this subject in greater detail.

You can provide feedback to the Port on this subject below.

Graeme Reid
Chief Executive Officer

Feedback Form

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