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  • Updated procedures for Lido Marina

Procedures have been updated for the use of Peterhead Lido Marina.

  • Peterhead Lido Marina is open to berth-holders presently for maintenance purposes only. However, from Monday 5th April berth holders will be permitted to sail their vessels to British ports. We would recommend that you pre-book your port of call. There will be no foreign travel permitted at this time.
  • At this time overnight stays on vessels of berth-holders are not permitted.
  • Berth-holders leaving the Lido Marina have right of way to come along the path.
  • Berth-holders waiting to go to the Marina must remain in the car park until the path is clear.
  • Safe distancing is to be adhered to at all times while travelling to and from the Marina and while on the pontoons at the Lido Marina.
  • When Marina users are walking on the pontoons, which have a width of two metres to allow social distancing, you must use the fingers to allow safe passing of other Marina users.
  • As per Government guidelines, toilets, showers and laundry will remain closed until further notice.
  • The new office is now operational. When staff are present at the office, social distancing must be respected and face masks must be worn at all times while in the office.
  • The Lido Marina is on winter hours 0800-1600hrs. The summer season commences on 1st May with opening hours 0800-1900hrs.
  • The Lido Marina will open to visiting vessels from Monday 19th April arriving from UK ports only. No leisure vessels from foreign ports are permitted until further notice.
  • From 5th April the VTS will give clearance to leisure vessels requesting to move out of the Lido Marina into the Bay.
  • Commercial vessels may be allowed to move in and out of the Lido Marina but only with permission of the Harbour Master.
  • These procedures will be subject to change as per Scottish Government advice.

All Lido Marina users are reminded that these procedures will be monitored and failure to adhere to the restrictions will leave the Port Authority no option but to put more restrictions in place.

Peterhead Port Authority would like to thank all the Marina users for their support in these trying times.

Keep Safe



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